Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Book of Elang | Kisah Elang

okta zaida
Please scroll down for English.


Ingat buku yang saya buat untuk Elang dan menceritakan tentang kisah tahun pertamanya? Beberapa waktu lalu saya sempatkan untuk membuat foto yang lebih layak untuk mendokumentasikannya. Bahkan dibuatkan slide videonya. Silakan dilihat yaaa.

Tentu saja yang punya buku (dan semua properti foto) tidak mau tinggal diam sewaktu sesi foto-foto. Lihat saja hasilnya! Tangan mungilnya sempat nongol di salah satu foto. Semoga rasa penasaranmu terus terpelihara ya, Nak!

Remember handmade book I created for Elang which told his first year life story? I succesfuly made some time to made decent photograph and video documentations about it. Please take a look.

Of course, the owner of the book (and all the photo properties) didn't want to be left out. He wanted to involve during photography session. So look at the result. One of his tiny hand is seen on one of the photo. Hopefully your curiosity will stay forever, kiddo!

About the Author

okta zaida / Author & Editor

A mother who enjoy stories, storytelling and all that.

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