Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Camera Origami | Melipat Kertas Jadi Kamera

okta zaida

Please scroll down for English.


Bocah-bocah saya rewel di dalam kendaraan saat keluarga kecil kami bepergian beberapa waktu lalu. Rasanya susah sekali membuat mereka duduk diam di kursi mobil. Lalu saya teringat bentuk origami yang populer saat saya kecil. Judulnya camera. Walaupun bentuknya tidak mirip kamera buatan manusia sama sekali, bentuk ini mengeluarkan bunyi saat ditekan. Jadi mirip deh dengan bunyi shutter di kamera.

Saya membuatkan mereka sebuah dengan kertas apapun yang ada. Walhasil mereka jadi sibuk berfoto-foto. Ayah, Ibu, Adik, Kakak semua kebagian giliran difoto. Hasil fotonya langsung jadi. Semua kertas2 bergambar, brosur, selebaran yang ada gambar makhluknya pura-pura menjadi hasil foto tercetaknya. Hihi anak-anak itu memang paling pinter berimajinasi ya. Perjalanan kami pun jadi lebih menyenangkan.

Jika ada yang berminat membuat sendiri juga, silakan tengok video di paling akhir tulisan ini. Dijamin gampang. Selamat bersenang-senang!


On one of our family trip a while ago, my kids were a bit cranky. It was hard to make them sit still on the car. Suddenly I remembered an origami shape that were hits during my childhood. It was sort of a camera. It didn't resemble any human ever built camera but it produced a 'click' sound, just like a shutter sound that made it fun enough for kids to play with and explore.

I made one for my kids with whatever paper I found. They ended up busy taking pictures. Ayah, Ibu, Kakak, Adik, all gets photographed. They pretended that brochures with human/animal pictures on the car were the printed photos output. How kids are the best with their imagination. Thank God our trip was saved.

If you want to make one for yourself, please do check the video I made on the end of this post. Easy peasy, guaranted! Have fun!

About the Author

okta zaida / Author & Editor

A mother who enjoy stories, storytelling and all that.

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