Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Rumah Pintu Merah | Red House Door

okta zaida
Please scroll down for English.


Ini adalah proyek cepat yang saya kerjakan hampir setahun yang lalu. Hanya dalam semalam, mulai dari ide, konsep, eksekusi sampai selesai. Dikerjakan karena saat itu saya sedang jenuh sekali dengan aktivitas harian plus kangen jahit-menjahit. 

Dengan pola sederhana yang dikira-kira karena kepedean dengan bentuk hampir kotaknya yang notabene setiap hari saya sambangi lewat gambar kerja bangunan. Sebenernya saat selesai, saya gatal ingin me-revisi proporsinya. Tetapi kemudian saya urungkan niat. Ketidaksempurnaannya membuatnya istimewa:).

Hingga usia si paling kecil yang hampir dua tahun ini, mainan ini masih bisa dipeluk-peluk. Semoga bisa bertahan lama sebelum dhedhelduwel dimainkan.

Saya sempat membuat cerita pendek untuk dimainkan bersama boneka rumah ini. Ceritanya berkisar tentang warna pintunya yang merah. Silakan dibaca di bagian akhir tulisan ini berhubung belum ditulis ulang dalam bahasa Indonesia.


This plushie is a fast crafting project I made almost a year ago. Only in one night, I made the idea, concept, sewing, until finishing. That was the time when I was bored of my daily activity and missed sewing. 

It has simple house pattern. I overconfident for its almost straight rectangle shape that I mingle with almost everyday through construction drawing. When I finished, I felt the itch to revised the proportion. But then I took a step back. Its imperfection has made it special :).

Today, up until my youngest is 2yo, this house soft toy is still huggable. I hope it will last long.

I even made a short story to play with this plushie. Something connected with the red colour of its door. Please read below, or pass it to your little one if you like:).


Mr Witsy had a new door for his new house. 
He wanted to paint it in red because it reminded him of the sunset that he loved.

He went to Mr Jeng store and asked for a bucket of red paint. 
Unfortunately Mr Jeng ran out of stocks.

So Mr Witsy went to the nearby mountain and valley. 
He wanted to collect all red color he could find.

Strawberry, tomato, and jalapeƱo..
Rose, dahlia, and aster
Apple, fig, and cherry.
Mushroom, orchid, and gladiol

When his bag full with things, he went back home
To his new house, next to the river

He pour all he got into a big bucket
Stirred slowly and mixed it well

Not for long time, he got color of bold red
He satisfied and sang happily

Now Mr Witsy has the door color he wanted
If you stop by his village, don't forget to knock and say hello!

About the Author

okta zaida / Author & Editor

A mother who enjoy stories, storytelling and all that.

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